Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sweat Session & Din Din

On my drive home last night, the hubby called and said he was going to be working late and wouldn't be able to get home in time for our gym date. Despite this, I was excited still to go to the gym. I missed my morning run and needed to get some "me" time in. I love listening to my iPod and running aimlessly on the treadmill. I just think and it's calming to me. I was able to get in 3.5 miles and then did weights.

Since the hubby was going to be late, I decided to make dinner instead of just having a quick meal like I was planning.

~ 3.5 Mile Run
~ 50 Abs
~ 20 push ups
~ 36 lunges (2 sets)
~ Back and Biceps day

After my sweat session, I snacked on a banana w/ PB and a delicious cold white nectarine while making dinner. I was able to catch up on some brainless TV while the rice and chicken were cooking. It was a relaxing evening at home.

~ Baked Orange Chicken, White Rice, Steamed Carrots and Broccoli and a spinach salad for me
(big meal but totally yummy and one of the hubby's favorites)

Dinner was delicious, but worth the wait. I love eating at the dining table with the hubby. We get to catch up on the day and spend some time talking about random thoughts. (ex: he is going to invent a way to evenly put sunscreen on your back -- he got too much sun from surfing this past weekend)

Giveaway Central:
~ Check out Fit and Fabulous for a Chobani Yogurt giveaway!

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