Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's A New Day

Do you ever have those days when you are excited to go on a run or have a good workout? I have them often and yesterday was one of them. I had been planning my workout in my head all day and finally got home, got ready and headed to the gym. It was going to be a good long run with a session of weights and maybe some nice cycling afterwards. I had been hoping for a good cardio day, but my body had another idea. I started on my run and at the 1 mile mark, my shins started aching. I am definitely one of those "Listen to your body" type of people so I had to slow down and walk another .5 mile. It was not the ideal but I am not going to risk any injury or setback (been there, done that). So I was bummed and did a short weight session but then headed home a little disappointed.

Workout (Failed):
~ 1.5 Miles
~ biceps

I got home and made dinner which put me in a better mood. The hubby was out with a friend at the driving range and then for dinner so I was able to make whatever I wanted and I felt like a chicken burger or my version at least.

~ Chicken Boca Burger on WW English Muffin with tomato, red onion and BBQ sauce
~ Banana w/ PB (while making dinner)
~ Plum (oh so juicy!)

After munching for awhile (probably had too many snacks to compensate for my disappointing workout)

Snacks throughout the night:
~ Kellog All Bran crackers
~ Cheezitz (reduced fat kind....but still bad)

I realized it was okay and tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully I can do more tomorrow but it will be a slow process. Can't do everything so fast and so soon. I probably will stretch for a lot longer and definitely take it easy for the beginning. I will get back out there and run though!

Yay for Thursday! That means the weekend is almost here............

Have a good day everyone!

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