Friday, July 31, 2009


Last Night Recap:

It was a good evening. I got home without too much traffic (which is a cause for celebration in LA). I was not ready to turn on the oven and make dinner since it was so hot, so I started some cleaning around the house and was surprised when the hubby came through the door around 6:30pm. This has been a good week for him. Usually he doesn't get home until 7:30 or 8pm.

I knew he wanted to go to the gym so I tagged along since I didn't get a complete workout in the AM. I wanted to get in more cardio and then more weights. I hit up the elliptical for 60 minutes (not a hard workout) and then added some weights to complete the daily workout. I was beat!

I didn't want to make dinner so we just gathered up the veggies and made wraps. The hubby had a turkey wrap on WW tortilla with cucumbers, tomatoes and red onion. I had a WW tortilla wrap with hummus, cucumber, tomato and red onion! Yum. It was so good, I had another one. Afterwards, we lounged on the couch while watching the end of the Dodgers game (they won!) and then a DVR'd Big Brother. We both were happy!


I woke up early to get in another morning workout since I knew after work we were going to dinner. I was able to get in 4 Miles before heading back to get ready for work. Today is a court day (I work in the legal industry) so I had to get to work early to get everything I needed and ready to go.

Pre-Workout Fuel - Banana with PB
Post Workout Re-Fuel - Yogurt, granola and apple

I am off to court and will hopefully be back later to write again. If not, have a fabulous weekend everyone!

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